I hate New Years' resolutions. They just make me feel guilty about "what I'm not doing," as if "what I'm doing" is the point of life.
The tension between the freedom of a Life In Grace and the reality that I have to actually DO STUFF to live in this world (go to work, pay my bills, clean my house... sometimes) gets really messy sometimes.
What are your thoughts about "resolutions"?
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Some Cornerstone pictures...
Some Cornerstone pictures...
Down to this....
OK, I think we are down to these two shirts plus some of you liked the very first design that Matt did. If there are enough of you that like the very first shirt I showed you on this blog then we will get that one in the mix too. You've got to let me know though so that I can know if it is worth getting.
Here are the favorites so far. If you haven't commented you are losing time quickly so if you want something changed you need to speak up now:
Getting closer
We are getting closer to the final for at least two shirts. If you have other designs please send them to me so that we might be able to have some other options.
Clayton suggested the following qoutes on the back:
"Life Discovered"
"Live Like You Owe It"
"As Iron Sharpens Iron"
"By Your Will Alone"
"To Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever"
Good quotes! I really like the Life Discovered Quote being a possibility for the back of the Big Letter shirt. If Ya'll like one of these qoutes we can put it on the back of one of the t-shirts.
Another possibility would be to make the shirt second from the bottom a STAFF shirt and come up with one more design for the student shirts.
Also, Casey suggested that the big letters on the first t-shirt should be on the back. That could be a possibility too. Let me know.
Here are the latest updates (I personally don't like the bottom one and I think I like the second Big Letter shirt more than the first one):
Click on the Picture to enlarge it:
Clayton suggested the following qoutes on the back:
"Life Discovered"
"Live Like You Owe It"
"As Iron Sharpens Iron"
"By Your Will Alone"
"To Glorify God and Enjoy Him Forever"
Good quotes! I really like the Life Discovered Quote being a possibility for the back of the Big Letter shirt. If Ya'll like one of these qoutes we can put it on the back of one of the t-shirts.
Another possibility would be to make the shirt second from the bottom a STAFF shirt and come up with one more design for the student shirts.
Also, Casey suggested that the big letters on the first t-shirt should be on the back. That could be a possibility too. Let me know.
Here are the latest updates (I personally don't like the bottom one and I think I like the second Big Letter shirt more than the first one):
Click on the Picture to enlarge it:

Matt Lusks designs for Capstone and Cornerstone
The guy I am using to make the shirts came up with these designs. I don't like all of them but comment on what you like and don't like. This will help aid me in knowing what the final product will look like.
After you check these out, look below this post and comment on the other designs.
Click on the image to ENLARGE it.
My Buddy Clayton Tweaked my Shirt Design to make a different style shirt.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New T-Shirt Design
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Possible T-Shirt design for CAPSTONE shirts
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Matt Chandler - Preaching the Gospel to the De-Churched
You guys need to watch this. This is from the conference I went to back in early June. This is all about what we are talking about in our study of Ephesus. This guy is AWESOME!
Preaching the Gospel to the De-Churched by Matt Chandler from Vintage21 Church on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New Sunday School Topic: Living our lives Centered on Christ! Paul's Lessons to the Ephesians
I don't think I have ever been able to say that I have enjoyed being sick before, but the past two days I have loved it! I have spent some AWESOME time with little B who is sick too and it has been incredibly encouraging to have her around to talk to and love on. I take her for granted too often and forget how incredibly blessed I am to have her by my side. There is not a woman on this planet I would rather be with. I say this because I want you to know that she has encouraged me so much the last two days as we have been reading our Bible together and having some GREAT discussions. I don't get time with her like this very often and I forget how much insight she has into the word of God.
We have both been reading a lot of Ephesians together lately and I am pumped! As we have been reading together we have learned how much the church of Ephesus was so similar to us in the Reformed church. They had SO many things right and God commended them for their morality, patience, doctrine and perseverance. They were a people centered on the truth of the gospel. They could pick out a heretic or a false teacher from a mile away. They had so much right it was unbelievable. However they had one thing missing and I think it is exactly what we are missing today in the Reformed church.
The last thing we hear from the cockpit before the plane disappears (church in Ephesus disappears) is from Revelations 2 where God speaks to them through his Revelation to John. He commends them for all of their doctrine, patience and perseverance but tells them that He has one thing against them; that they have forgotten their first love. namely the love of Jesus Christ.
I think all too often in the Reformed church we become so centered on our doctrine and love for the truth that we forget to put Christ in His rightful place, in the center of it all!! At the Advance 09 conference I just got back from Matt Chandler said, "If you preach a sermon that Christ is not at the center and point of, it's not worth preaching." I couldn't agree more.
I want to get us re-centered on our first love and make sure that Christ, our merciful loving savior is at the forefront of everything we learn and do.
For the rest of the summer we will be going through the book of Ephesians. We'll be learning about the Church in Ephesus and Paul's instructions to them. I want to show you a church that started off great with love for Christ and for the brethren but somehow lost it along the way. We are going to get centered back on Christ alone and the awesomeness of living in His grip!
We will also continue these lessons on Wednesday nights starting in August when we start our regular meetings.
Join us Sunday mornings for some awesome teaching from Paul and some great discussions. Let's learn together what it means to be a missional and Christ centered youth group!
We have both been reading a lot of Ephesians together lately and I am pumped! As we have been reading together we have learned how much the church of Ephesus was so similar to us in the Reformed church. They had SO many things right and God commended them for their morality, patience, doctrine and perseverance. They were a people centered on the truth of the gospel. They could pick out a heretic or a false teacher from a mile away. They had so much right it was unbelievable. However they had one thing missing and I think it is exactly what we are missing today in the Reformed church.
The last thing we hear from the cockpit before the plane disappears (church in Ephesus disappears) is from Revelations 2 where God speaks to them through his Revelation to John. He commends them for all of their doctrine, patience and perseverance but tells them that He has one thing against them; that they have forgotten their first love. namely the love of Jesus Christ.
I think all too often in the Reformed church we become so centered on our doctrine and love for the truth that we forget to put Christ in His rightful place, in the center of it all!! At the Advance 09 conference I just got back from Matt Chandler said, "If you preach a sermon that Christ is not at the center and point of, it's not worth preaching." I couldn't agree more.
I want to get us re-centered on our first love and make sure that Christ, our merciful loving savior is at the forefront of everything we learn and do.
For the rest of the summer we will be going through the book of Ephesians. We'll be learning about the Church in Ephesus and Paul's instructions to them. I want to show you a church that started off great with love for Christ and for the brethren but somehow lost it along the way. We are going to get centered back on Christ alone and the awesomeness of living in His grip!
We will also continue these lessons on Wednesday nights starting in August when we start our regular meetings.
Join us Sunday mornings for some awesome teaching from Paul and some great discussions. Let's learn together what it means to be a missional and Christ centered youth group!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
New Cov. Cornerstone Youth Video
Hey! This is a slide show/video of whats been up with the Jr. High recently! :) It turned out a little longer than I wanted it to but that's okay this time. It has more pictures and a video of Marktina as well as memories from our events. Hope you like it.
The quality isn't the best:
"And you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free" John 8:32
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Just thought that every parent would JUST LOOOOOOVE to see how the last Youth Group meeting of this season went down! :) It was a BLAST! But who am I to say this.....Just take a look at the pictures ;) Enjoy!
Trevor's Team!
This was probably the COOLEST/FUNNIEST part of the entire game! That's Trevor falling over in the pool and...YES THAT'S MORIAH ON THE GROUND! xD
Being wet is AWESOME....Being wet and cold...NOT SO MUCH!
Trust me...it was a blast! Jesus would have been PROUD!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Where do I Belong
I grew up in the 90's. That was my time and God definitely knew what He was doing by letting me grow up in that generation. My generation was called generation X and we were a product of 3 decades of rebellion and self-centeredness. We were also a product of postmodernism. We saw our parents consume drugs, lose their jobs, lose their money, have affairs and be completely hypocritical of their beliefs. We saw the church abandon us. We saw economic disaster. We saw our president lie bold-faced to us about an affair he had. We saw war in the middle-east. We saw our friends die of heroin over-doses. We were put on anti-depressants and ungodly amounts of ADD/ADHD drugs. We all knew at least one person that got AIDS. We saw our favorite rock stars blow their brains out with a shot gun.
We were angry and confused. We were angry that our parents were getting divorced at a rate higher than History had ever seen and didn't seem to care about us in the middle of it. We had no one to listen to us and we felt alone and confused. We didn't belong to the generations before us. They neither understood us nor listened to us. The 60's, 70's and 80's generation was nicknamed the "ME" generations, which meant that everything they did; every decision they seemed to make was all about them. We needed someone to love us, but my generation felt like no one cared. My generation was crying out for help. We were cutting ourselves, killing ourselves, tattooing ourselves, piercing ourselves; browsing the Internet and IMing groups that we thought could understand our issues. We were looking to belong. whatever it took to be noticed.
Our Dad's left and rarely saw us. Our Mothers were emotionally incapable of functioning mentally and sometimes vice versa. Many of us had to grow up fast and take care of our brothers and sisters. We were often left to pay our own bills at 15 years old and sometimes even help our single parent with their bills. Our function was more survival and being forced to take on the problems that our parents left for us. We were also the first real computer generation. We spent hours on the computer, emailing, IMing, joining blogs and groups that we felt we could belong in. We wanted love so we looked at porn to get this false feeling and to escape and feel like we belonged to something or someone. We wanted to feel wanted and we wanted to feel like we were a part of something. Our parents, the church, our teachers all stopped listening to us because they were too wrapped up in themselves. We were being taught in school that there was no such thing as truth, that God didn't exist, that we were all a product of random mutation. We were more and more convinced that we were nothing and that their was no meaning to this life. No one seemed to care and no one seemed to love us. We didn't belong in our own families, our own churches, in our own universe. There was nothing more to live for than pleasure and death so we sought after these things.
We were depressed and there were no answers and no one to listen. As I look at this generation; your generation; generation Y; I see that you are a product of the same things.
The 60's rebelled against the "rules" of society and of their parents because they were never given answers either. Their answer to the lack of answers was to live how they wanted to live; have sex with whoever they wanted to have sex with, and take enough drugs to escape from reality. They didn't belong either, but they didn't belong because they didn't want to belong to that world anymore. They wanted to belong to themselves. They formed communes and cults that helped them do this.
The 70's was much the same but had some reactions to the decade before them. The main difference was that their parents had grown up in the 40's and 50's and they were taught to work hard. Their parents were raised in a post World War age and had to work hard in order to survive. They accepted this and were very prosperous in the 80's.
Because the 80's was so prosperous and because their generation was raised by parents who lived through the 60's they had a lot of money and were taught to live life like they wanted to. This can be a vicious combination. The 80's brought massive quantities of drugs such as cocaine and acid and it brought a spike in pre-marital sex. This generation thought they could do what they want with no consequences. The problem is that this generation brought with it the consequences of three generations. It brought AIDS, economic disasters, a spike in divorce (from 10% to 50% in 10 years) and it brought confusion and anger for the next generation; my generation.
The reason I tell you all of this is because I want you to understand why you have the issues in your life that you have. I want you to see the sins of the generations before you and how they have effected us. I want you to know that you are not alone in your questions and confusion.
My generation cried out through depression and mutilation of our bodies. Your generation is crying out with much of the same but with even more anger and hate than even we had, and I completely understand. I see this in today's music, in tabloids, on television, on blogs.
You are wondering why the world is offering you no answers. You are wondering why your parents can't get along and often split up. You are wondering why they can't understand you and why the generation gap is so big that no one older than 35 gets you. You don't feel like you belong so you seek to belong through the Internet and with your loyal but "bad" friends. You seek to belong through sexual relationships and drugs. You are far more likely to join a gang or participate in illegal activity with your friends because you need someone to love you. You need someone to listen to you. You need to know that you belong and that you are loved unconditionally. You need to hear that someone understands you and your pain.
I'm still struggling with all of these things myself. I have felt the failure from my family (my parents were divorced. My Dad was an elder in the church and had an affair. My Mom had a mental meltdown from everything that happened). I have felt the failure from my church and from my government. I have felt like no one listens and no one cares about me. I have felt the anger and the confusion. I have sought answers to my issues from people who thought that my questions were ridiculous. I have lived under the authorities of many people from the past generations that treated me like a child and that treated me like I didn't belong. I still wrestle with this daily.
I wish I could tell you that it would be alright and that it will go away in time, but I am convinced more and more every day of my life that this won't go away until we get to heaven. I think that some of you have parents that understand you and listen. I think some of you have found belonging in the church and in society, but across the board this is generally not the case.
I searched for answers since I was 15 years old. I wrestled with God and wrestled with authority and it wasn't until I was 20 that I found them. When I was 20 is when I became a believer and the answers came like an ice cold bottle of water in the middle of a desert after a lifetime of dehydration. I had never seen anything like the Bible and I had never felt the calming, exciting and joyful feelings that I had as I read through it. It's the only thing that ever made me feel like I had a purpose and a place in this world. It was the only thing that ever showed me where I belonged in this world. It told me that God loved me no matter what I did or how many times I failed. He loved me when I was confused. He loved me when I was depressed; when I was angry. He loved me when I felt like no one else did.
You won't find belonging as long as you seek it from this world. You won't find answers from this world, and ultimately this world doesn't care about you. Society doesn't care about you. The church and your family will never understand you the way that you need to be understood, but God does all these things. He will never stop loving you and He will show you everyday that you belong to Him and to His Kingdom. If you seek His Kingdom first, everything else will fall into place and you will understand why you are here. He will show you that you are here for a reason and that reason is unbelievably important to Him. He Made you. You are needed in His Kingdom because He made you to feel needed and has designed you for a specific purpose. He designed you to play a vital role in the Body of Christ. You don't have to believe this in order for it to be true. It's true because God says so. He will never leave you or forsake you and you are no longer alone when you belong to Him. You now belong to the Kingdom of God. You belong with every saint that has ever and will ever walk the face of the earth. You belong to something so powerful that even Hell has no power over it. Soak up His love for you!
I want each of you to know that I am here and I will always listen to you and love you. You belong to this youth group, and even more, you belong to the Kingdom of God that we are fighting for. This is your youth group and this is where you belong. We are the body of Christ and we will be blessed for our labor. God promises this. I may fail you. The Church may fail you. Your parents may fail you. The World may fail you, but God won't. He loves you eternally and without conditions. He loves you just the way you are. Come to Him and share with Him even your darkest struggles and pain. He will mend you.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
When in doubt...
How many trials or hardships have you had to endure through out your life? 5? 10? COUNTLESS!?!
I would fall under the "Countless" category.
Each time a problem or "trial" arose I sought after the easiest way out. I tried to focus on my strength to prevail in the time of struggle. I tired EVERYTHING I could to keep myself above the water and to be able to make it out in one piece.
After each circumstance that I made it through I told myself that I'd "Be prepared next time!". Well next time comes and it just seems that each time God opens my eyes to the truth or Shepard's me back into the flock, and then an entirely NEW PROBLEM shows itself to me!
For the longest time i prayed to God "God, your words have guided me to where I need to be. Each time I sit and pray. I sit and listen. I sit and read. I sit and learn. Lord, why can't you just open my eyes to all the troubles to come! Spare me the pain. Spare me the struggle!"
I was always looking for the easiest way out! Whether it was running from the problems or asking God to take them all away.
Now, in times of trials, faith grows weary. To be able to say to yourself "It will all be fine!" is mostly looked at as a joke. We live in a society and time that says "Without proof or assurance, you have no bases to assume anything!"
The question is, What Does God Say About Doubt? Where Is God In Times Of Need?
"Be Still and Know That I Am God.." Psalm 46:10. This was a hard one to learn. It's hard to accept that everything GOOD&BAD comes from the Father! It's hard to say "It will all be fine. God's with me".
But.... It's true.
To get through times of trials we must learn to lean on the only thing around us that's PERFECTLY STABLE...GOD!
In times of doubt we must ask for WISDOM! We must ask for FAITH! We must ask for UNDERSTANDING!
"...when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow!" James 1:2-3
Truth is, God tells us to use our BAD CIRCUMSTANCES or HARDSHIPS to REJOICE and GROW! "...Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go!" Joshua 1:9
God tells us Himself that He will be with us! So why fear!"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,my shield and the horn of my salvation.He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior from violent men you save me. I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,and I am saved from my enemies. " 2 Samuel 22:2-4
For anyone who has "Doubts" do as God says "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."Matthew 7:7
I would fall under the "Countless" category.
Each time a problem or "trial" arose I sought after the easiest way out. I tried to focus on my strength to prevail in the time of struggle. I tired EVERYTHING I could to keep myself above the water and to be able to make it out in one piece.
After each circumstance that I made it through I told myself that I'd "Be prepared next time!". Well next time comes and it just seems that each time God opens my eyes to the truth or Shepard's me back into the flock, and then an entirely NEW PROBLEM shows itself to me!
For the longest time i prayed to God "God, your words have guided me to where I need to be. Each time I sit and pray. I sit and listen. I sit and read. I sit and learn. Lord, why can't you just open my eyes to all the troubles to come! Spare me the pain. Spare me the struggle!"
I was always looking for the easiest way out! Whether it was running from the problems or asking God to take them all away.
Now, in times of trials, faith grows weary. To be able to say to yourself "It will all be fine!" is mostly looked at as a joke. We live in a society and time that says "Without proof or assurance, you have no bases to assume anything!"
The question is, What Does God Say About Doubt? Where Is God In Times Of Need?
"Be Still and Know That I Am God.." Psalm 46:10. This was a hard one to learn. It's hard to accept that everything GOOD&BAD comes from the Father! It's hard to say "It will all be fine. God's with me".
But.... It's true.
To get through times of trials we must learn to lean on the only thing around us that's PERFECTLY STABLE...GOD!
In times of doubt we must ask for WISDOM! We must ask for FAITH! We must ask for UNDERSTANDING!
"...when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow!" James 1:2-3
Truth is, God tells us to use our BAD CIRCUMSTANCES or HARDSHIPS to REJOICE and GROW! "...Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go!" Joshua 1:9
God tells us Himself that He will be with us! So why fear!"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,my shield and the horn of my salvation.He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior from violent men you save me. I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise,and I am saved from my enemies. " 2 Samuel 22:2-4
For anyone who has "Doubts" do as God says "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."Matthew 7:7
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Jr. High Girls Ganged Me and Made Me Over! I Hope You All Know That Only a Pastor That Loves You Would Let You Do This To HIm! HAHA!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friendly Fire or Treason?
One of the major focuses of the U.S. military over the last few years, as we have been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been to lower the rate of deaths caused by friendly fire. In World War II friendly fire had been responsible for nearly 12% of the deaths of U.S. troops and in Vietnam nearly 14%. Apparently, they have dropped the rate of friendly fire by 1% in the latest wars, but are still seeking to fix this issue.
Friendly fire is something that seems to come with the territory in battle. An allied soldier may jump in front of a weapon while it is being fired, or they are mistaken in the distance to be the enemy. In the Civil War, this was an even greater problem. No one was immune to it either because even great leaders such as Stonewall Jackson died this way.
I honestly couldn't imagine going out this way in war. After all of the training, team building, anxieties, mustered up courage and finally finding a purpose to truly fight for your country, that it would end at the tip of your buddies rifle. It seems like it would be all for not. Like everything you just went through and everything that you were fighting for was meaningless. If I'm going to die in battle, it better be by the hands of my enemy. The thought of dying at the hands of my enemy brings me courage. The thought of dying at the hands of my friend who can't point his rifle in the right direction causes me confusion and anxiety; not to mention lack of focus on what I am doing with having to keep an eye over my shoulder. If I can't trust my friend to fire in the right direction then who can I trust?
I feel this way about the church. How often have we died or been wounded at the hands of our brothers in Christ? How often have we struck our brother or sister with our tongue and watch them be destroyed over it? What is ever worse though is that the church (our church included) has not carelessly shot us, they have, at times, all together become our enemy. They have entrenched themselves on our side of the field but actually facing us and have shot us like they were shooting Satan himself. We have formed factions (better known as denominations) and clicks. We have hated each other and betrayed one another even unto death if necessary. Like Judas. I can't tell you how many times I have trusted someone or loved someone in the church that has shot me in the heart with their words or their actions, all on account of their pride and arrogance. All because I wasn't what they wanted me to be. They expected me to be perfect or conform to their "super awesome doctrine!" Apparently they had God wrapped so tightly in a box that there was no room for me in it.
I am no different. So often I have looked down my doctrinal nose at others in the church and shot them with my thoughts or words. I have put down other denominations and churches and people with different doctrinal stances. I have hated these people; people that Christ himself loves, I have said that I hated. I have hurt brothers in Christ. I have shot with cutting words and condemned men and women that I will spend eternity with. I have fought them as viciously (if not more so) as would have my own enemy. I have called them enemies. How is that right?
I am writing all of this, not because I am immune but because I am convicted.
I'm remembering the verse that says if you can't love your brother whom you have seen, how can you love God whom you haven't seen? I now realize how little I must have loved God, if at all. If I called my own brother my enemy then what did that make God who is the Father of my enemy?
The church (ours included) is in a critical state right now. We are engaged in a battle that is much bigger than you or I could imagine, and believe it or not, it's not against homosexuality or abortion. It's not against drugs or teen sex or drinking under age. The true battle is over the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ. What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? The very grace of Jesus Christ poured out in love for one another; for the lost; and even for our enemies. So often I look at the church in America and I am bewildered. How is this Jesus' church? We have wrecked the truth of the gospel, hated the lost, and shot our brothers. Something is really wrong and it's time that something changed.
Without love we have nothing. Without love we have no God, because God is love.
It's nearly impossible to avoid friendly fire while engaged in battle. It happens and it will happen in the church. However, It's one thing to hurt someone accidentally, it's all-together another thing to treat allies and brothers like they are our enemy. We call that treason.
Even Christ said, "If they are for us, than they are not against us."
Every person who claims the name of Christ, regardless of what we think of them or their doctrine or or the way they dress and smell is our brother in Jesus Christ. They are children of God, loved and adored by the person we call King and Father. If someone is loved by Christ, who are we to hate them or treat them like enemies?
How awesome would it be if we put our weapons down when facing each other and actually prayed for the brethren? What if we prayed for New Spring? What if we prayed for Concord Baptist and Redeemer? What if we prayed for our friend who stabbed us in the back last week or took our boyfriend/girlfriend? What if we started caring about the dorky kid or the kid that dressed weird or had a weird hair cut? What if we stopped shooting our brothers and offered them a helping hand? What if we started treating them like brothers and all turned our guns toward the true enemy, the world and Satan?
What would that kind of love do? What did it do in the Old Testament when the Isrealites joined together and called out to God? What happened when churches were united in cause in the New Testament?
It got crap done!! God Listened and helped every time! God had compassion and joined their cause. God isn't going to join a cause that defames His name. He will join our cause when we cry out together in unity and love.
I have heard that America is going to hell in a hand basket and that the Holy Spirit is gone, but I don't believe that for a minute. The Holy Spirit is here. If he weren't then we wouldn't be here either. I think the gospel is waiting to explode into the world through us, but God is waiting for us to obey His command to love. This is a much harder command than the 10 commandments because it's not some list we can just check off. This is something deeper that can only come from Christ and through the Holy Spirit.
Let's start seeing the battle for what it is; a battle to show the world the Grace of Jesus Christ through love for Christ first, then the brethren and into the world.
Friendly fire is something that seems to come with the territory in battle. An allied soldier may jump in front of a weapon while it is being fired, or they are mistaken in the distance to be the enemy. In the Civil War, this was an even greater problem. No one was immune to it either because even great leaders such as Stonewall Jackson died this way.
I honestly couldn't imagine going out this way in war. After all of the training, team building, anxieties, mustered up courage and finally finding a purpose to truly fight for your country, that it would end at the tip of your buddies rifle. It seems like it would be all for not. Like everything you just went through and everything that you were fighting for was meaningless. If I'm going to die in battle, it better be by the hands of my enemy. The thought of dying at the hands of my enemy brings me courage. The thought of dying at the hands of my friend who can't point his rifle in the right direction causes me confusion and anxiety; not to mention lack of focus on what I am doing with having to keep an eye over my shoulder. If I can't trust my friend to fire in the right direction then who can I trust?
I feel this way about the church. How often have we died or been wounded at the hands of our brothers in Christ? How often have we struck our brother or sister with our tongue and watch them be destroyed over it? What is ever worse though is that the church (our church included) has not carelessly shot us, they have, at times, all together become our enemy. They have entrenched themselves on our side of the field but actually facing us and have shot us like they were shooting Satan himself. We have formed factions (better known as denominations) and clicks. We have hated each other and betrayed one another even unto death if necessary. Like Judas. I can't tell you how many times I have trusted someone or loved someone in the church that has shot me in the heart with their words or their actions, all on account of their pride and arrogance. All because I wasn't what they wanted me to be. They expected me to be perfect or conform to their "super awesome doctrine!" Apparently they had God wrapped so tightly in a box that there was no room for me in it.
I am no different. So often I have looked down my doctrinal nose at others in the church and shot them with my thoughts or words. I have put down other denominations and churches and people with different doctrinal stances. I have hated these people; people that Christ himself loves, I have said that I hated. I have hurt brothers in Christ. I have shot with cutting words and condemned men and women that I will spend eternity with. I have fought them as viciously (if not more so) as would have my own enemy. I have called them enemies. How is that right?
I am writing all of this, not because I am immune but because I am convicted.
I'm remembering the verse that says if you can't love your brother whom you have seen, how can you love God whom you haven't seen? I now realize how little I must have loved God, if at all. If I called my own brother my enemy then what did that make God who is the Father of my enemy?
The church (ours included) is in a critical state right now. We are engaged in a battle that is much bigger than you or I could imagine, and believe it or not, it's not against homosexuality or abortion. It's not against drugs or teen sex or drinking under age. The true battle is over the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ. What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? The very grace of Jesus Christ poured out in love for one another; for the lost; and even for our enemies. So often I look at the church in America and I am bewildered. How is this Jesus' church? We have wrecked the truth of the gospel, hated the lost, and shot our brothers. Something is really wrong and it's time that something changed.
Without love we have nothing. Without love we have no God, because God is love.
It's nearly impossible to avoid friendly fire while engaged in battle. It happens and it will happen in the church. However, It's one thing to hurt someone accidentally, it's all-together another thing to treat allies and brothers like they are our enemy. We call that treason.
Even Christ said, "If they are for us, than they are not against us."
Every person who claims the name of Christ, regardless of what we think of them or their doctrine or or the way they dress and smell is our brother in Jesus Christ. They are children of God, loved and adored by the person we call King and Father. If someone is loved by Christ, who are we to hate them or treat them like enemies?
How awesome would it be if we put our weapons down when facing each other and actually prayed for the brethren? What if we prayed for New Spring? What if we prayed for Concord Baptist and Redeemer? What if we prayed for our friend who stabbed us in the back last week or took our boyfriend/girlfriend? What if we started caring about the dorky kid or the kid that dressed weird or had a weird hair cut? What if we stopped shooting our brothers and offered them a helping hand? What if we started treating them like brothers and all turned our guns toward the true enemy, the world and Satan?
What would that kind of love do? What did it do in the Old Testament when the Isrealites joined together and called out to God? What happened when churches were united in cause in the New Testament?
It got crap done!! God Listened and helped every time! God had compassion and joined their cause. God isn't going to join a cause that defames His name. He will join our cause when we cry out together in unity and love.
I have heard that America is going to hell in a hand basket and that the Holy Spirit is gone, but I don't believe that for a minute. The Holy Spirit is here. If he weren't then we wouldn't be here either. I think the gospel is waiting to explode into the world through us, but God is waiting for us to obey His command to love. This is a much harder command than the 10 commandments because it's not some list we can just check off. This is something deeper that can only come from Christ and through the Holy Spirit.
Let's start seeing the battle for what it is; a battle to show the world the Grace of Jesus Christ through love for Christ first, then the brethren and into the world.
Monday, April 6, 2009
God Loves to Pop Bubble Wrap
Forever I thought that if I tried hard enough and thought long enough and read enough of my Bible I could figure God out. I could argue His existence and win the whole world over to God through my vast knowledge and wisdom of scripture. It would be easy. All the world needed was my great knowledge.
I hated experience and believed that the Holy Spirit only served to tweak my heart and make me a Christian and then never rear His ugly head again in my life. Never would that weird ghost do anything to me. After all, I heard he makes people get emotional. Emotions make us illogical and liberal! Like a girl. Well, more like a very emotional girl. I didn't want to be a girl because I am a man. I want no emotions, please, thank you! Emotions make us weird, like the Pentecostals. I feared if I let this Holy Ghost guy into my life He might make me fall down on the floor and start convulsing and speaking gibberish and telling people I talked to God. That wouldn't be right. After all I am a Presbyterian and we are too lofty for that mess. In fact we are very logical and resonable. There is no room for emotion in a Presbyterian. Especially a male Presbyterian. This Holy Spirit guy scared me and I wanted nothing to do with Him or His crazy antics.
Knowledge is safe. It keeps me from having to do anything. I can sit and read and learn all I want and don't have to do anything for anyone else or "feel" moved to do so either. "Feeling" moved sucks. What does "feeling" moved mean anyway? Without this feeling, I am better off because I can stay logical and self-controlled. I don't have to cry or feel convicted to feed the poor or be nice to my mom. I can just think about it and say that it is right and that is good enough. That IS good enough right? hmm!
I felt this way until just recently.
I think my wife was supposed to be a pentecostal and she just got lost somewhere along the way and by chance she fell into marraige with me. Poor girl. She likes to say she "feels" things and she cries a lot (that part may be my fault), but there is something even stranger than that that she does. She loves people unconditionally! Why would anyone do that? How could you possibly love someone without asking anything from them? She especially loves special needs people. This drove me nuts because all I could think was that God would give her one of these kinds of kids one day and my life would be over. He would give her this kind of kid because He knows she would love that person more than anything in the world and she would be completely content.
What about me God?!! I was freaking out. This kind of love was way to weird for me. I mean I need to get something back from a relationship. How can I possibly ever be godly if I have to be so self-sacrificial? I wouldn't have the energy to do anything good. She would though, and that makes me feel like crap.
Being married five years has taken it's toll on my spiritual ego. I always thought I had everything figured out and was waiting for just the right moment to transform the world with my great knowledge, and make the world ready for Jesus to come back. I might even sacrifice myself upside down to show the world that I knew how to do it. Then this wild eyed, beautiful and crazy girl came along and messed it all up for me. Just when I thought I was ok, and just when I had God wrapped tightly in my gift wrapped box with a red bow on top, she came into my life and showed me how ridiculously wretched and awful I was. The audacity!
How could she do this to me?
My wife is the most illogical person I've ever met. Everytime I try to reason through something with her she just tosses my great knowedge to the wind and goes on her merry way. She is illogical and WAY too loving. If it were up to her all of our possessions would be down at the homeless shelter and I would be sleeping on a hard wood floor. She would give away her only meal on a deserted island to a starving monkey if she had the chance. This pissed me off! I would always tell her, "you can't just love somebody like that. I mean it's not natural. You have to look out for yourself in this world." After all, isn't that what Jesus said? Somewhere? Maybe? Now you are getting a good idea of what my God box looked like.
It baffles me that my wife is so godly. she really is. I actually think she is as close to Christ as anyone I've ever met. She has shamed me in ways that I can't tell you because she is so much better than me at everything spiritual. I sometimes fear that I will come home and have a homeless guy eating at my table or some mangy old dog eating my steak! She would do that too!
It used to tick me off that I put so much effort into figuring out God and after years of learning and figuring and building the systems to being an awesome Christian philosopher/ preacher/ guru, that this strange and emotional girl would enter into my life, never having read much of any scripture and off the cuff be more like Christ then me. It wasn't fair!
How could I have missed it. I'm supposed to be the one that is more like Christ because I have studied Him more.
I'm learning that God LOVES to break our boxes. I think it is because He likes to pop the bubble wrap inside. Every time I thought I had God figured out He destroyed my system. This is why we need the Holy Spirit. Because there is not a soul on earth that can understand this God that we serve. No system or law can hold him. He can break all of our petty little legalistic rules and it's ok. He's God! There is only one way to know God and that is through the Holy Spirit. My wife has the Holy Spirit coming out of her ears. The Holy Spirit is why we know God, and how we understand anything at all. He is the force within us that drives us to the truth, that sits with us on top of the Blue Ridge Mountains when the sun is setting and that shows us how filthy we are through emotional girls! In fact, He is the one that shows us through these emotional and unreasonable girls that we suck at life and they don't!
If I were going to leave you with anything it is this. Don't put God in a Box. He gets VERY clastrophobic! and don't let knowledge rule you. It only makes you dumber. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to the truth and let Him open your eyes. Trust His work in your life and not your own. And do not! I repeat, do not! marry a Spirit filled women if you want to keep your ego.
I love you Bonnie! He has done more for my walk with Christ through you than anyone else in the world.
Your brilliant youth pastor (I AM being sarcastic) Mark Wells
I hated experience and believed that the Holy Spirit only served to tweak my heart and make me a Christian and then never rear His ugly head again in my life. Never would that weird ghost do anything to me. After all, I heard he makes people get emotional. Emotions make us illogical and liberal! Like a girl. Well, more like a very emotional girl. I didn't want to be a girl because I am a man. I want no emotions, please, thank you! Emotions make us weird, like the Pentecostals. I feared if I let this Holy Ghost guy into my life He might make me fall down on the floor and start convulsing and speaking gibberish and telling people I talked to God. That wouldn't be right. After all I am a Presbyterian and we are too lofty for that mess. In fact we are very logical and resonable. There is no room for emotion in a Presbyterian. Especially a male Presbyterian. This Holy Spirit guy scared me and I wanted nothing to do with Him or His crazy antics.
Knowledge is safe. It keeps me from having to do anything. I can sit and read and learn all I want and don't have to do anything for anyone else or "feel" moved to do so either. "Feeling" moved sucks. What does "feeling" moved mean anyway? Without this feeling, I am better off because I can stay logical and self-controlled. I don't have to cry or feel convicted to feed the poor or be nice to my mom. I can just think about it and say that it is right and that is good enough. That IS good enough right? hmm!
I felt this way until just recently.
I think my wife was supposed to be a pentecostal and she just got lost somewhere along the way and by chance she fell into marraige with me. Poor girl. She likes to say she "feels" things and she cries a lot (that part may be my fault), but there is something even stranger than that that she does. She loves people unconditionally! Why would anyone do that? How could you possibly love someone without asking anything from them? She especially loves special needs people. This drove me nuts because all I could think was that God would give her one of these kinds of kids one day and my life would be over. He would give her this kind of kid because He knows she would love that person more than anything in the world and she would be completely content.
What about me God?!! I was freaking out. This kind of love was way to weird for me. I mean I need to get something back from a relationship. How can I possibly ever be godly if I have to be so self-sacrificial? I wouldn't have the energy to do anything good. She would though, and that makes me feel like crap.
Being married five years has taken it's toll on my spiritual ego. I always thought I had everything figured out and was waiting for just the right moment to transform the world with my great knowledge, and make the world ready for Jesus to come back. I might even sacrifice myself upside down to show the world that I knew how to do it. Then this wild eyed, beautiful and crazy girl came along and messed it all up for me. Just when I thought I was ok, and just when I had God wrapped tightly in my gift wrapped box with a red bow on top, she came into my life and showed me how ridiculously wretched and awful I was. The audacity!
How could she do this to me?
My wife is the most illogical person I've ever met. Everytime I try to reason through something with her she just tosses my great knowedge to the wind and goes on her merry way. She is illogical and WAY too loving. If it were up to her all of our possessions would be down at the homeless shelter and I would be sleeping on a hard wood floor. She would give away her only meal on a deserted island to a starving monkey if she had the chance. This pissed me off! I would always tell her, "you can't just love somebody like that. I mean it's not natural. You have to look out for yourself in this world." After all, isn't that what Jesus said? Somewhere? Maybe? Now you are getting a good idea of what my God box looked like.
It baffles me that my wife is so godly. she really is. I actually think she is as close to Christ as anyone I've ever met. She has shamed me in ways that I can't tell you because she is so much better than me at everything spiritual. I sometimes fear that I will come home and have a homeless guy eating at my table or some mangy old dog eating my steak! She would do that too!
It used to tick me off that I put so much effort into figuring out God and after years of learning and figuring and building the systems to being an awesome Christian philosopher/ preacher/ guru, that this strange and emotional girl would enter into my life, never having read much of any scripture and off the cuff be more like Christ then me. It wasn't fair!
How could I have missed it. I'm supposed to be the one that is more like Christ because I have studied Him more.
I'm learning that God LOVES to break our boxes. I think it is because He likes to pop the bubble wrap inside. Every time I thought I had God figured out He destroyed my system. This is why we need the Holy Spirit. Because there is not a soul on earth that can understand this God that we serve. No system or law can hold him. He can break all of our petty little legalistic rules and it's ok. He's God! There is only one way to know God and that is through the Holy Spirit. My wife has the Holy Spirit coming out of her ears. The Holy Spirit is why we know God, and how we understand anything at all. He is the force within us that drives us to the truth, that sits with us on top of the Blue Ridge Mountains when the sun is setting and that shows us how filthy we are through emotional girls! In fact, He is the one that shows us through these emotional and unreasonable girls that we suck at life and they don't!
If I were going to leave you with anything it is this. Don't put God in a Box. He gets VERY clastrophobic! and don't let knowledge rule you. It only makes you dumber. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to the truth and let Him open your eyes. Trust His work in your life and not your own. And do not! I repeat, do not! marry a Spirit filled women if you want to keep your ego.
I love you Bonnie! He has done more for my walk with Christ through you than anyone else in the world.
Your brilliant youth pastor (I AM being sarcastic) Mark Wells
Bubble Wrap,
Holy Spirit,
Friday, March 27, 2009
Welcome to Your New Blog!!
Hey Ya'll! We finally have a real blog!
I'll be posting things from Sunday school, Youth Group and from random thoughts so feel free to comment away!
Also, If you would like to join the blog so that you can post your own stuff just let me know. I'd love to have everyone posting their thoughts, ideas, pictures etc. on here, so let me know!
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